Please note that some services have limited capacity and may not be immediately available. Your Care Manager will be able to provide more information on accessing the various OPWDD services listed here.
OPWDD is not a primary provider of medical services or durable medical equipment, but offers supports designed to foster behavioral health. OPWDD also operates clinics with limited services.
Clinic Services
OPWDD is not a primary provider of medical services, but does operate clinics with limited services. OPWDD clinics were established to meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities in areas where there are not enough generic providers of medical services. OPWDD clinics also provide services to individuals with very complex needs.
Environmental Modifications (e-mods) and Adaptive Technology
Environmental Modifications include physical changes to the home such as a ramp, and can include modifications that address the individual’s sensory deficits or promote a safer environment for individuals with challenging behaviors.
Adaptive technology include communication aids and adaptive devices, including aids for feeding, dining and meal preparation as well as other tools to help a person live as independently as possible. Van modifications to meet specialized transportation needs are also included.
Behavioral Health
Intensive Behavioral Services are short-term services of about six months that focus on developing effective behavior support strategies for people whose challenging behavioral issues put them at risk of placement in a more restrictive residential setting (such as a group home or hospital). This program teaches individuals, family members and other caregivers how to respond to challenging behaviors. To be eligible for these services, the individual must live in his or her own home, their family’s home, or a Family Care home, and be enrolled in the Home and Community-Based Services waiver.
NYSTART is a community-based program that provides crisis prevention and response services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have complex behavioral and mental health needs, and to their families and others in the community who provide support to them. The NY START program offers training, consultation, therapeutic services and technical assistance to help individuals remain in their home.