Research suggests that 60% of women do not get the recommended two and a half hours of exercise a week! There are many benefits to exercise other than just losing weight! Let’s look at some of the less commonly recognized benefits of exercise:
Even with all of these benefits finding time to exercise can sometimes be tricky with our busy lifestyles. One of the easiest ways to fit exercise into your routine is to make everyday activities more active. Even small changes can help. For example, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk down the hall to a coworker’s office instead of sending an email, wash the car yourself or park further away from your destination. With a little effort, you can enjoy all the benefits of exercise and make it part of your healthy lifestyle.
8 Benefits Of Exercise That Might Surprise You. (2020, August 26). Retrieved from Sweat :
Benefits of Exercise. (2021, August 27). Retrieved from MedlinePlus:
Facts About Women’s Wellness-Exercise. (n.d.). Retrieved from Illinois Department of Public Heath :
Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General. (2021, August 25). Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: